Saturday, October 6, 2007

Still alive, kind of

Just letting people know we are still alive. Mei Mei is on US time and Baby Bug is on China time, so mama gets no sleep. :-) I kind of expected that. Baby Bug thinks being a big sister is great about 90% of the time, the other 10% she really feels that life is hard. Mei Mei is struggling a great deal with adjustments. She has a lot of attachment issues. She also has developmental delays. We went to her first doctors appointment. She is very healthy other than the cold that has lingered from when we were in China. She is 25lbs. :-) She is 70Th percentile on the American white child charts. She was also assessed developmentally. She is set to receive OT, PT, ST, and vision therapy. She is not speaking, (in Chinese or English) and worse seems to have no receptive language. She doesn't walk, and has very little small motor skills. This doesn't surprise me, as her vision is minimal. Some days I feel beyond overwhelmed. I think the attachment issues are the hardest for me. Yesterday we went to the playground in the mall. Mei Mei noticed that another mother had Cheese-its. She crawled over to her and decided to stay with her. She screamed and fought me when I took her away. She was more than willing to go home with this stranger. The funny thing is this goes back and forth, some days she seems to be progressing and even likes me a little. The good news is it can only get better. :-) We are doing fine and growing together.

1 comment:

RamblingMother said...

It will all ebb and flow in the attachment arena. glad to hear somethings are going well.
