Sunday, October 21, 2007


I got my first spontaneous kiss! :-) I am so excited. I had made a milk bottle for Mei Mei, then set it down while I got Baby Bug out of the bath. When I went back to Mei Mei she had chugged half of it. She gets her bottle only for rocking and bonding before bed, so she feels it is a treat. I wanted to have the full rocking time (she doesn’t hold still without the bottle) so I took her into the kitchen to top up her Nini (bottle.) When she realized what I was doing she got the biggest grin and gave me a big smacking kiss. :-) I am one happy mama. OK it is just cupboard love, but I can build on that. Mei Mei is becoming so much more affectionate. She is getting closer to attachment each day. At this point she is not so much attached as learning to like attention and love from others, any others. This is good first step for a child who couldn’t stand to be touched anyone just a month ago. Soon she will figure out that mamas love is best.

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